Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 2

2. Our second learning outcome is to be able to incorporate ideas of other’s into our own work. I use quotes from others work either to emphasize the importance of my argument or to support the argument that I am making with facts. Whenever I use a quote, I first introduce the quote. I follow that up with the quote itself, and then a sentence talking about how it relates to my argument. Here is an example of me doing just that: “The effects of constantly having a divided attention from technology is no joke. Research has found that, “People who frequently check their e-mail have tested as less intelligent than people who are actually high on marijuana.” (Anderson). This seems surreal, but it has been shown through verified research. Technology is killing our society’s intelligence.” I have always done this, as I learned it in middle school, and thus have been able to do learning objective 2.

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